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27 November 2008

Tag- 20 soalan mautttt

Macam aku nie xde keja le plaks duk melayantz jwab tag dr diorg nie....adeiii layantz kan je la....tag dr wans nie...aiiyakkkk....sib baik arini mood aku hokey...kalo KO...camner? sapa nak tolong jawb?hehehehe


People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and replace any 1 questions that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.....


Tag 5 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by and cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by and continue this game by sending it to other people.

1. If your lover betrayed you, what will your reaction be?
Tinggalkan dia...aku x khianat dia...x kan dia sesuka ati nak khianat kat aku kan? pastu dia kena kasik aku 100 reason knpa dia sampe ati wat aku cenggitu??

1. Do you like tags?
time xde keja nak buat ok la aku leh layantz kepala nak bertag-tag nie...tp kalo dtg hangin mals....malas le plaks nak layantz...hahahaha

2. If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be?
ntah la...aku nie byk impian...tapi kalo impian-impian aku smue jadik kenyataan aku bersyukur sangat-sangat!!!

3. Whose butt would you like to kick?
aku x suke cr pasal...dan aku x tau nak tendang sape....

4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
Dah aku jwb kat tag yg sblum nie..penah ty soklan yg sama....so sila la rewind balik page yg sblum2 nie eks kalo nk tau jawapan nyer...hahahaha...

5. Will you fall in love with your bestfriend?
Nope...tp best frends aku tu mb ada gaks ar suka kat aku kot...tp skg dia dah bwk haluan dia sendrik...sampe skg x dpt dikesan...kekadng rindu gaks kat dia....sbb dia sahabat kecilku....

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Aku prefer bior org tu cinta gilos kat aku...aku nak sayng dia 50% je...boleh tak?hahaha

7. Are you gorgeous?
xle...heheh pura-pura wat malu-malu kuching!!!

8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
mmm buat x tau je la kot....

9. What do you pray each day for your loved one?
smuga diorg smue selamat..sihat...dan bahagia...dipermudahkan segala urusan...di jauhkan dari segala kesulitan.

10. What takes you down the fastest?
Org yg suke blaim aku x kena tempat...konon dia yg betul..tapi sebenar nyr dia x btul!!!!

11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
Ala-ala cam anak dara lagi kottttt...heheheh lariiikkkks ada org nak kasik tendangan mauttt!!!

12. Why do you think you are so tensed up..no matter at the office..or at home or in your toilet??
kat Opis:: : xde kot...aku nie jenis yg x amik kisah & pedulik lantak le apa org nak buat janji aku x kaco ko...ko jgn kaco aku dah...
kat Umah: kalo tetiba balik umh kang lift rosak...adeiiii tu mmg wat aku hangin satu badan la..
Toilet: kalo umt yg x bertamadun dah sedap2 membuang x reti2 nak flash balik!!!btul2 wat aku hangin....

13. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
Dia pon dah citer pasal dia kan...so aku cume nak tambah skit je la...hahahah dia dah jadik gian plak nak ngetag-ngetag nie....so layantz kan aje...hehehe jgn mare....

14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
aku nak jadi kaya la...kalo single x best le plaks...aku nak jadik isteri yang kaya raya...x yah keja..tp duit masyukkkk

15. Who would you like to see the moment you wake up?
org-org yg aku sayangi la..aby & aqil

16. What’s the character must have in your partner?
tolak ansur, caring, loving, romantic, helpful dan pentingkan family dr segala-gala nya.

17. If you fall in love with two people simultaneously, who would you pick?
cam berlaku pada aku la...aku tetap pilih aby...sbb dia dr bercinta sampe la nie...dia lah yg byk leh handle aku...dia je yg boleh handle aku...org lain x boleh kot....sbb aku nie pon ada gaks angin kus-kus...

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
depends...tp aku mudah maafkan org kalo bukan aku yg wat salah...kalo org tu wat salah pastu still berlagak ngan aku...aku mmg x akan tego dia dlu sampe mati pon x akan!!!lain la kalo dia tu sedor diri dan tetiba nak tego aku..aku akan ok dah pastu...

19. Do you prefer being single or having a relationship?
aku x suke hidup dlm keseorangan!!!sbb dr dulu aku mmg dikelilingi dgn ramai org,....

20. Would you leave your family behind just to chase your dreams?
depends kot...kekadang kita nak gaks merasa apa yg kita boleh dpt tanpa org tersayang di sisi...hidup kena diteruskan....tgk la camner.....kalo just temporary ok kot...tapi no way tuk selamanyer!!!!!baik x yah kawin n beranak pinak kalo camtu kan?

5 persons I want to tag :
X mo tag sesapa la...cian kat korang...tapi kalo sape nak buat dipersilakan....

so layantzzzz je la eh!!!!!

3 tukang karut:

aku said...

assignment ape kebenda nye ?
ko kata x mauTAGGING sesapa...
so terlepas ler...
xde mentions pon kan...
hahahha...jah...selamat akak!

kalau JAH nak akak buat jugak
edit balik statement tuh

aku guna kan kuasa Veto tk ngelat

so, akak x salah kan.....

♥ Anje a.k.a Mama_Balqis ♥ said...

Yanz, jangan lupa jawab TAG ye....

yong ibu chem said...


tag anda telah dijawab dgn jayanya!