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10 March 2009

award lagiks...

thanks moon kasik award nie....act aku masih kat opis...dan aku sgt sakit kepala + sakit dada...dr semlam dada aku sakit...sampai arini...aku x tau apsal..bukan hari nie aku baru sakit dada...tp sakit nie pernah dtg semenjak 2 menjak nie...seblum2 nie pon aku dah pernah kena...tp aku mlas nak pikir n layan sgt sakit nie...aku biarkan je la dulu...walopun aku mmg raser sakit ya amat!!!! harap-harap cepat le sakit nie pergi...x tahan aku raser...nak pi spital aku malas nak pi cek...kang mesti doc ckp x de apa-apa...so baik x yah pi btul tak?ok la saper yg ada nama tersenarai kat bwh amik le award nie ok!!!!

The rules:
*Place the award logo on your blog.
*Nominate 10 other blogs which show "Attitude and/or Gratitude"
*Link to the nominees on your blog post.
*Comment on their blog that you have nominated them.
*Share the love and link to the person who nominated you

So, I would like to nominate:
ibu chem
kak fara HD
niza ( kanda )
mama aqish
kak aimi

so layantzzz je la eh!!!!